Jamie, 40

Jamie recently lost 200lbs after gastric bypass surgery. She had been trying to lift weights to build some muscle and get stronger but hadn’t had much success and didn’t know where to start. She found that despite losing weight, she didn’t feel strong and confident in her body. She needed something simple, straight forward, and effective and found the training at Ground Zero with the guidance of personal training.

She joined our Strength Challenge in April, and has trained for almost 4 months. Since starting, she’s been noticing muscles “she didn’t know she had” and has seen a reduction in the loose skin from her weight loss just from building muscle. This has boosted her confidence in many aspects of her life. 

She has since competed in multiple powerlifting meets and plans on making strength training a part of her life as long as possible. 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Ground Zero Strength is right for you.
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